Proper oral hygiene is just as critical for artificial teeth as it is for natural teeth.

It is especially important that the gums around and between the teeth, are kept thoroughly clean, to prevent the build up of plaque or tartar, and to prevent odours.

Whenever possible clean and brush your denture after each meal to remove debris, with particular attention to the tissue fitting surfaces of the denture and areas around the clasps where food will tend to gather.

Ideally, regular soaking in a commercial denture cleaner and the use of a soft denture brush with denture paste prevents the build up of tartar deposits that tend to collect and build up around the teeth, gums and clasps.

It is advisable to never use harsh bristle brushes or abrasive materials. Use tepid water only, as boiling water may distort the denture.

To prevent accidental damage by dropping the denture, chipping the teeth or fracturing the denture base, it is advisable to hold the side or the part of the denture you are actually cleaning over a sink containing a towel or face washer. All care must be taken to avoid disturbing, breaking or bending the metal clasps or retainers, as the fit needs to be precise. If a break occurs, immediately consult your Dental Prosthetist.

It is advisable that you consult with a Dentist or a Dental Hygienist for an annual check up/scale and clean for your natural teeth.

Dentures can be broken whilst being cleaned - it is so easy to prevent this from happening. When cleaning your dentures, place a towel or face washer in the basin so that the denture slips from your hand, the towel will cushion the fall. Dentures should never be cleaned in the shower.

The lower denture is fragile and should not be held in the palm of the hand (fig 2), as you could break it if you squeeze it too hard. Hold it with two fingers and the thumb, as in (fig 1).

Cleaning the denture with bleach can cause discolouring and unnatural looking teeth. Some stains may require professional cleaning. Abrasive cleaners and hard brushes can also cause unnecessary wear and tear on the plastic base resulting in the dentures become loose.

Your Dental Prosthetist is the best person to advise you about cleaning and maintaining your dentures.

The material that your denture is made from has microscopic holes that can collect food particles and bacteria.  Dentures can become contaminated because they are in your mouth on a daily basis and sometimes worn 24 hours a day.  Continuous re-infection by dentures  may lead to microbial disease that can result in chronic cause systemic diseases.  65-80% of denture patients have denture stomatitis, C albicans and Candida glabrata microorganisms which make dentures a possible source of bacterial infection to respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and directly to the blood stream.  Stratched dentures can collect plaque and bacteria  which causes bad breath and some medications can discolour your dentures or create white spots on the surface, so it is important for dentures to be examined and cleaned regularly.

Designer Dentures offer a 'No Gap' clean and polish service for people with medical benefits.

Cleaning of Partial Dentures

Partial dentures should be left out at night.

Partial dentures need as much attention as full dentures, usually more. The fit, care and hygiene of partial dentures are very important to your remaining teeth. You should always remove your denture after eating and brush them and your own teeth well. If the partial denture is a poor fit, it can severely damage the gums supporting your natural teeth. A poor fit can cause bleeding, soreness and swelling of the gums, and consequently you should seek further attention.

Cal.Dent – Denture Cleaner

$10.20 – 4 months supply

Valplast Denture cleaner available for Valplast dentures

When should I make an appointment?

  • if your present dentures are in excess of 2 years old,
  • if they show excessive wear, or are ill fitting and cause discomfort.
  • if you consider your facial features are lacking support.

Enquire Now

Need New Dentures?

  • Free Initial Consultation
  • Full or Partial Dentures
  • Sports Mouthguards
  • Pensioner Denture Scheme
  • Free Initial Consultation
  • Implant Retained Dentures
  • Health Fund Rebates
  • Veterans' Affairs

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