What are the Benefits?
It is in your best interest to get a Dental Prosthetist to make or repair your next set of dentures. At Designer Denture we specialise in the fit and construction of your dentures.
The advantage of coming directly to a Dental Prosthetist is that we work together to take complete control of all stages of the construction.
This includes:
- initially consulting with you at no charge
- discussing your denture requirements and wants
- giving you a treatment plan with the items and costs involved
- taking an impression of your teeth and making a model of your denture.
- We then make an appointment for you to try it in.
- Discuss with you to make any changes such as the colour and look of the teeth.
- Make any adjustments to the bite to make sure it is comfortable for you to wear and fits perfectly
- Finally we will process your customised denture into a hard acrylic, vinyl or chrome denture and
- Make an appointmen for you to have a final finish to make sure your dentures look natural!
A dentist usually only takes the impressions, then sends the denture off to a dental laboratory for a technician to make the denture. The problem with this is that the technicians who make your denture never meet with you and do not have the same understanding of specifically what you want. They have not had the opportunity to assess your specific facial features and match these to the type of teeth they select to use in your denture, sometimes resulting in a very unnatural look.